Below is the list of the council activities that we are attending or want you to know about for your family. These are not required. You can do none or all or some. You can pay for them out of your cookie dough. I do not know what you have left, but if you call council, they will be able to tell you. Send me an email on what you want to do and how you want to pay (check or cookie dough).
If you already signed up on wed, then no need to email me again, but please tell me how you want to pay for the
activities. I want to go to council soon, before they fill up.
Also, if you will be using cookie dough for any of the acitivities. I will need a letter from you stating that you want the cookie dough to be used for the following activities. You need to put your name, your daughters name and signature. If you have the ability to email that to me, great. If not we can get together at a latter time.